"Baikal" - the first Russian vodka, get a mark Organic. Before it appears fans of organic products were able to buy only imported organic alcohol. As part of an organic vodka no harmful substances, but only the components that were grown in compliance with all environmental regulations: in clean soil, using natural fertilizers. This product no preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers. Therefore, the "Baikal" is made from 100% natural, organic products: natural water of Lake Baikal, ethyl alcohol from food raw materials, natural honey, and spirited infusions of pine nuts and pine buds. Bottles of vodka and liqueurs "Baikal" are made on glass factories in the UK and their design agency Claessens International. Water for vodka "Baikal" mined at a depth of 500 meters, which no longer reach the sun's rays, so no water algae and other organisms. In the production of water is additionally treated with ultraviolet light and ozone, and then delivered to the production plant.